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  • Writer's picturemaxschristmastreef

Happy Earth Day!

It's been an eventful week at Max's Christmas tree farm. We were able to get 639 trees in the ground and a few in pots over a four-day period. To the left is one of our white pine trees. We also planted white spruce and concolor fir. I am so excited to see the beginning of our tree farm start to take shape. I can't go on, though, without thanking Dolly and Joan for the help they gave us by watering many of the trees that Ben, Shawn and I tried to get into the ground quickly. We couldn't have done it without their help. Thank you Dolly and Joan! As we all know the saying in the mid-west, if you don't like the weather wait a few minutes and it will change. During the four days we actually planted in heat, rain and cold weather - spring, summer, fall and winter all in one weekend. It went from 80 degrees and sunny to 49 degrees and raining. You've got to love the Missouri weather.

There are many reasons why I have started the Christmas tree farm and as time goes by I will talk about some of those reasons. On this day, though, I want to say that I wanted to make an impact, however small it is, on our environment and help combat global warming and the earth's climate change. According to NASA's climate data , March 2023 was the second hottest globally since recordkeeping started in 1880. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has doubled since 1750. One of the best ways to reduce carbon dioxide is to plant a tree. Trees are one of the best ways to combat the affects of global warming by absorbing about one-third of the emissions each year. Trees and forests slow climate change by removing the carbon in the atmosphere and storing it in their trunks and the soil around the trees ( We lose thousands of trees every year by deforestation, logging and fires. The loss of these trees not only adds to the climate change but also affects our health. I googled how many trees it would take to off-set the massive amounts of carbon dioxide in the air and found out it would take every person planting 725 to 1,000 trees each year. I came up a little short this year so that is the goal for next year. I am challenging our tree farm to plant at least 725 next year to do our part in helping our earth for the next generation and the one after that and so on. We only have one Earth let's keep it healthy 💚🌲.

Come grow with us!

Susan Whitney ------

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